Notice to Our U.S. Clients
This notice is an update on your Attorney-Led Trademark Order. Effective July 4, 2022, your legal advisor in the LegalZoom group of companies has changed from Pulse Global Services, Ltd. to LZ Legal Services LLC, a LegalZoom-owned U.S. law firm licensed in Arizona. There is no action required for you, however please see the details below.
Transfer of Instruction
Thank you for instructing Pulse Global Services Limited (“Pulse”) to provide you with legal services. Pulse is a UK subsidiary of Inc., which has established a legal services provider, LZ Legal Services LLC (“LZ Legal Services”) based in Arizona. As a client based in the US, we propose to transfer your instruction to LZ Legal Services on July 4, 2022.
We are writing to inform you of the position once we transfer your matter to LZ Legal Services, both in respect of our previous work, and work for you going forwards.
Regulatory Position
Pulse is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority in the UK. As such, we are required to give you certain notifications under that regulatory regime.
Your Right to Choose
You are entitled to choose who you wish to represent you. If you would like to transfer your instructions to an alternative advisor, please notify us at [email protected].
Whilst we are no longer engaged on your matter, we continue to have obligations to you and are required to carry insurance in respect of any claims which arise in respect of our services whilst we operated as a your advisors.
Documentation and Data Protection
All our records and correspondence is held electronically. Client confidentiality is of upmost importance to us, and we continue to hold electronic files on secure protected servers. These records can be accessed by Pulse and LZ Legal Services employees, unless you ask us to transfer your instructions to a third party advisor.
We do not hold any original documents.
Your files will be destroyed at the end of our retention period, typically 6 years from the closure of the matter. Should you require further details of our document retention policy, please contact us at [email protected].
Client Monies
We do not hold client monies on your behalf.
Future Work
LZ Legal Services LLC is an Alternative Business Structure licensed by the Supreme Court of Arizona, license no. 70123.
Thank you for instructing Pulse Global Services Limited (“Pulse”) to provide you with legal services. Pulse is a UK subsidiary of Inc., which has established a legal services provider, LZ Legal Services LLC (“LZ Legal Services”) based in Arizona. As a client based in the US, we propose to transfer your instruction to LZ Legal Services on July 4, 2022.
We are writing to inform you of the position once we transfer your matter to LZ Legal Services, both in respect of our previous work, and work for you going forwards.
Regulatory Position
Pulse is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority in the UK. As such, we are required to give you certain notifications under that regulatory regime.
Your Right to Choose
You are entitled to choose who you wish to represent you. If you would like to transfer your instructions to an alternative advisor, please notify us at [email protected].
Whilst we are no longer engaged on your matter, we continue to have obligations to you and are required to carry insurance in respect of any claims which arise in respect of our services whilst we operated as a your advisors.
Documentation and Data Protection
All our records and correspondence is held electronically. Client confidentiality is of upmost importance to us, and we continue to hold electronic files on secure protected servers. These records can be accessed by Pulse and LZ Legal Services employees, unless you ask us to transfer your instructions to a third party advisor.
We do not hold any original documents.
Your files will be destroyed at the end of our retention period, typically 6 years from the closure of the matter. Should you require further details of our document retention policy, please contact us at [email protected].
Client Monies
We do not hold client monies on your behalf.
Future Work
LZ Legal Services LLC is an Alternative Business Structure licensed by the Supreme Court of Arizona, license no. 70123.